KM, Miles, Nautical Miles Converter

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Kilometers : = Miles : = Nautical Miles :
Fill kilometers, miles or nautical miles to convert each other

This is an online length converter, convert kilometers(km) to miles(mi) or nautical miles(nmi), miles to kilometers or nautical miles, nautical miles to kilometers or to miles, with a virtual ruler to show the corresponding of units, it's easier to understand how many differences in length units.

How to use this tool

Kilometers, miles and nautical miles


Kilometer is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to 1000 meters, and equivalent to 3280.8 feet or 0.621 mile. It is now the measurement unit used officially for expressing distances between geographical places on land in most of the world;


The mile is an English unit of length of linear measure equal to 5,280 feet, or 1,760 yards. While most countries replaced the mile with the kilometre when switching to the International System of Units, the international mile continues to be used in some countries, such as Liberia, Myanmar, the United Kingdom, the United States, and a number of countries with fewer than one million inhabitants, most of which are UK or US territories, or have close historical ties with the UK or US.

Nautical miles

A nautical mile is a unit of measurement used in both air and marine navigation, and for the definition of territorial waters. The derived unit of speed is the knot, one nautical mile per hour.

Convert miles to kilometers

Los Angeles and New York City is 2789.5 miles in United States, how long is it in kilometers ?
2789.5 miles = 2789.5 × 1.6093440006 km = 4489.2650896737 km
Answer : approximately 4489 km

Conversion table of miles, km and nautical miles

Speed Converter

Length Unit Converters

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